Global Space Based Business Solutions

Launch your service from any location around the world Data centers located
in America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, and Space with QSAT!  Quantum Computing, Quantum Mesh Network™, Quantum Cryptography & QUBIT Blockchain®

Rethink Blockchain Infrastructure In Space!

No Upfront Costs, No Commitment
Pay Hourly by the minute or Monthly and only for what you use Cancel at any time if you’re not 100% satisfied

Cloud Infrastructure

Quantum Generation™ offers advanced cloud solutions for businesses of all sizes. Enjoy leading cloud technology and versatile products, with personal technical support

Managed Cloud Services

Quantum Generation™ space cloud experts can manage your cloud servers, including firewalls, load balancers and other technical components, saving you time and money.

Business Solutions

Quantum Generation™ offers flexible, fast and reliable solutions for startups, SaaS developers and web & app developers, with maintenance and information conveniently accessible via a single Control Panel.

Managed Solutions

Quantum Generation™ offers advanced management service including: cloud consulting, server migration and disaster recovery, as well as Microsoft cloud solutions.

Cloud Servers

Flexible, cost-effective cloud servers for any level of computing power, from a single development server to a complex cloud infrastructure...

Cloud Private Network

A high security, private VLAN interface connected to the cloud, for all the flexibility of the cloud with the added safety of a private network..

Cloud Firewall

An advanced safeguard system for your cloud servers, providing protection against attacks, code injection, viruses and more..

Cloud Block Storage

Adding a hard drive to your cloud server has never been this accessible, cheap, or reliable. Prices start at just $0.05/GB...

Cloud Load Balancer

Flexible, cost-effective cloud servers for any level of computing power, from a single development server to a complex cloud infrastructure...

Managed Cloud

An added service whereby Kamatera takes over all server management and maintenance tasks, saving you time, money and resources…

Immediate Blockchain
platform integration 

Why Quantum Generation™?
Quantum Generation™ provides the infrastructure and systems that businesses and organizations need to operate in the Blockchain economy. 

QG Space Cloud™ Innovative Technology

Key Features 

  • Security - new level of trust for your business against attacks 
  • SSL - Quantum Generation’s™ hosting including a SSL that will allows your site to be safe 
  • Faster than ever before - we put efforts on giving our resources to make a faster hosting service 
  • One of the best features we proud of is about controlling over your data; it should not be held by any administrator 
  • Launching payments platforms can be costly in terms of time and money, incurring expenses such as technical development for hosting needs 
  • The platform is offered under the Software as a Service (SAAS) model with all the hosting provided by Quantum Generation™  


No single point-of-failure. 99.95% guaranteed uptime
Join the tens of thousands of companies already enjoying Quantum Generation™’s Cloud infrastructure

QG Space Cloud  

Create servers and more, in less than 60 seconds Deploy Cloud Infrastructure Now

Business Solutions

Quantum Generation™ ’s bespoke management console offers a user-friendly control panel for the management, maintenance and supervision of all elements of your cloud infrastructure. From domain management to product scaling, security settings and more, with Quantum Generation™ , your systems administrator can conveniently access and manage your Cloud Server Infrastructure from a single, web-based interface.

As well as allowing you to manage al domains from a single platform, Quantum Generation™ ’s management console provides access to Cloud Server settings, Cloud Block Storage, Cloud Load Balancers, Cloud Firewalls, and more. Quantum Generation™ ’s management console is unique, and designed to save you time and money, leaving your team available to focus on your core business. 

Startup companies are special, and Quantum Generation™ believes in lending extra support to young companies; helping them develop and grow into more advanced cloud infrastructure solutions. We believe that investing in you now will earn us a dedicated, long-term client and we therefore provide an unrivaled level of service to startup companies, offering a high level of support, as well as discounts and sponsorship in some cases.

The powerful cloud computing infrastructure available today is ideally suited to startups as it offers a high level of performance and reliability, combined with manageable pricing and instant scalability. Starting out with a single CPU and modest main memory and disk storage, your first cloud server provides all the connectivity, 24/7 availability and processing you require for your early stage development. You can increase these resources at the touch of a button as your needs grow.

Cloud servers are a low-maintenance solution that is ideal for smaller teams who do not have a systems administrator: There is no need to switch hardware, reinstall software, recover from crashes etc. because cloud computing is virtual. You don’t need to worry about any machinery, leaving you to focus on developing your company. Importantly, Quantum Generation™ provides a personal level of customer service, precisely tailored to your startup’s needs. We offer consulting and support as well as management services, all designed to suit a startup budget.

The SaaS business model and cloud infrastructure have developed along a similar timeline, and therefore naturally compliment each other. Formerly known as ASP (Application Service Provider) and typically run off dedicated servers, modern SaaS applications and their growing requirements are now ideally served by cloud computing systems.

Quantum Generation™ provides all the cloud computing architecture a SaaS provider needs to keep ahead of this industry’s growing demand. Quantum Generation™ ’s wide selection of cloud computing products can be adapted in a modular fashion to suit your developing SaaS business. During the early stages of business development, when the number of users is smaller, Quantum Generation™ can provide basic services of key importance such as round the clock system availability and fast reaction time for users. As your Saas business grows, you can add computing power and services as required, in line with your development. Quantum Generation™ ’s cloud services allow SaaS providers to expand at their own pace, making sure the excellent performance enjoyed with a relatively small user base continues without compromise as your business grows and your demands increase.

This adaptation to change can be implemented as often as required, to maximize performance whilst minimizing cost. Our cloud infrastructure is deployed internationally, to ensure low latency for any client base around the world. Using Quantum Generation™ ’s DNS Service, Load Balancers and Managed Cloud Service, necessary adjustments can be made for you by our skilled cloud administrators, with no system downtime or any other inconvenience to your users.

Developers typically require a high level of computing infrastructure and take advantage of a wider selection of cloud computing products than most other users. They therefore make up a large percentage of Quantum Generation™ ’s client base and our products are selected with this in mind. Quantum Generation™ provides developers with flexible, plentiful computing resources that save you from having to deal with infrastructure management and frees up your resources for software development.

Our products vary from basic virtual cloud servers, to fully managed cloud services, and can be instantly scaled to suit your growing needs. Please see our products pages for more information on specific services offered.

Cloud application hosting is the most cost-effective way to maintain a software application and ensure it is running on infrastructure that won’t let you or your users down. You can host virtually any application on the cloud - from legacy client/server apps to state-of-the-art mobile web architecture. Anything that can be run on a standard server can be run on a Quantum Generation™ virtual cloud server, including VB6, .NET and HTML5 apps. Any server setup you can think of, whether in-house, dedicated, hosted etc. Quantum Generation™ can do it cheaper, faster and more reliably. Quantum Generation™ application hosting will:

Cost you less to set up
Cost you less to maintain
Take up fewer of your staff, space and energy resources
Take the responsibility of maintenance away from you 

Quantum Generation™ provides the reliable infrastructure that you need to keep your mobile web apps running on all devices at all times. Using your private Cloud Web Management control panel, you can access and adjust your computing requirements instantly. The benefit of using Quantum Generation™ for your server infrastructure is that you don’t need to employ mobile web server admins, or get involved in O/S service packs, patches or updates.

We can take on the task of server management for you, whilst you maintain the ability to overlook the process and even override it if you wish. Help is on hand 24 hours a day for any technical questions that may arise on our 24/7 helpdesk. We provide both Linux and Windows servers to suit any development platform and to host mobile web apps built in J2ME, .NET or PHP.

One of the advantages of the cloud is that it is a global resource, accessible from anywhere - but there is still some importance to where you deploy your cloud servers. Quantum Generation™ ’s global data centers are located around the world in order to achieve the best performance and reaction time for your users. For example, accessing a cloud server based in Hong Kong from a location in China will save latency time compared to accessing a similar server based in the U.S.

To maximize performance and give users the best experience possible, Quantum Generation™ has servers in 13 data centers worldwide; in New York, California, Texas, Toronto, Hong Kong, Amsterdam, London, Frankfurt and the middle East serving Asia and Africa.

For high traffic cloud servers, you can add a load balancer to distribute network traffic across different data centers.

Facilitate Data Recovery
Having access backup cloud servers located in different continents, but managed from the comfort of your PC helps you to visualize and implement your data recovery.

You can manage international cloud servers independently with Cloud Web Management, our free server management portal, or we can do it for you to save you time and effort.

How it Benefits Your Operations
Keep performance high regardless of user location and regional traffic load
Reliable data recovery
One convenient control panel

Maximize Server Performance
Scalability is a major benefit of cloud server architecture. However, not all scaling is performed in the same way and there are some significant differences between the different scaling mechanisms.

Vertical Scaling consists of bolstering the computing power of a single server, by increasing the number of CPU cores, main memory and disk storage. However, even in the case of a virtual server, these hardware resources are not limitless. Additionally, the server may reach a point where increasing the power of one or more components does not increase its overall output.

Horizontal scaling is the placement of several similar machines in parallel.

Diagonal scaling is the combination of vertical and horizontal server scaling, which constitutes upgrading and adding components to a single server up to the critical point of cost-effectiveness, or having reached full server specification, and then replicating the server in its current configuration. This offers the most effective scaling mechanism, both in terms of price and performance. 

Running an online business and consistently providing the highest level of service to your customers requires a high performance computing infrastructure. Slow reaction time or occasional unavailability can result in the loss of customers, whereas inversely, consistently fast reaction times and reliable 24/7 availability will improve your audience’s shopping experience and increase customer retention.

Quantum Generation™ ’s e-commerce services include an online store Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS); an on-demand, cloud-based server solution that spares business owners the responsibility of purchasing, running and maintaining servers required to run an e-commerce environment.

The Quantum Generation™ cloud can accommodate any software system, including Cubecart, Magento and X-cart, and Quantum Generation™ ’s expert cloud administration team can handle complex and time consuming administrative, maintenance and monitoring tasks if required (please see Managed Cloud). 

Quantum Cyber Security Solutions

Stealth Grid has the experience and the expertise to protect your data using next-generation decentralized QUBIT Blockchain® security technology to help defend against emerging challenges in an evolving threat landscape. Our high-performance network encryption for long-term data protection Quantum key generation and quantum key distribution

Stealth Grid makes cloud storage, IoT , and communications secure, and faster with Stealth Grid’s patented StealthCrypto®. 

Managed Solutions 

Setting up and maintaining a sophisticated Cloud Infrastructure requires a high level of technical expertise, which can draw companies’ resources away from their core business. With Quantum Generation™ ’s Managed Solutions, organizations gain the support of a highly-qualified team of IT professionals who are trained to perform Cloud Infrastructure operations, and do so on a daily basis.

Quantum Generation™ offers a variety of managed solutions which companies can select according to their requirements. These include the following:

Managed Cloud
Cloud Migration
Cloud Consulting
Microsoft Cloud Solutions
Disaster Recovery

Quality of Service
Whatever your requirements, Quantum Generation™ ’s highly qualified Managed Solutions Team provides an expert, flexible service on a 24/7 basis. Quantum Generation™ is committed to delivering an unprecedented level of customer service to meet individual clients’ needs, whilst keeping costs to a minimum. 

QUBIT Blockchain®

Quantum Generation™ maximize the potential of businesses with Blockchain Space Based edge-technology to help them thrive. Quantum Generation™ offer businesses the opportunity to embed robust blockchain technology systems for businesses execution.


QUBIT Blockchain®, a market leader in large-scale Bockchain technology systems from space 

QSAT™ Constellation 

• End-to end full turnkey large-scale systems Quantum      Generation™ provides end-to end full turnkey large-scale      blockchain management systems with a smooth integration    & migration from legacy to blockchain.
• Banking digital platforms & Financial institutions High capacity    distributed platform to support multiple sites & branches,    together with Assets management, Liquidation & market    making platforms.
• Country economy & Large-scale enterprises Secularization of    non-liquid assets with Smart contracts initiation &    management. State economy digitization: planning,    consulting, execution. 

Pay AS YOU GO - instant scaling for ultimate savings!
Start out small and scale up as required, pay only for what you use, cancel what you don’t need.
Quantum Generation™ ’s cloud infrastructure makes pay as you go a reality. You can start out with a single processor and move up to a cluster of 104-core, 512GB RAM servers. The best part is that you can scale - up or down - whenever you like, and you only pay for what you use. 

Pay with BTC/ ETH or QUBIT Token  

Who Are We?

 Have any questions? Write us and we’ll contact you shortly. .

Working Hours



Carlsbad CA 92008


Contact Phone

+1 647-955-8200

Contact Us 

All rights reserved © Made By Quantum Generation™  Ltd.

Contact Info

5857 Owens Ave 

Carlsbad, CA 92008

+1 647-955-8200

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24-hours a day, 7-days a week personal assistance

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